How to Get Rid Of Mice? 7-Step Guide to Mouse Control



Mice in homes can be stressful as they spread diseases like Listeria and Salmonella through urine, bedding, and droppings. If you have observed signs of a mouse infestation in your home, it’s better to act quickly. Mice are prolific breeders; their one breeding cycle results in 12 pups. Therefore, clearing the mouse infestation can be tricky.

Follow these 7-step guidelines from the London Pest Control provider to eliminate mice in your home.

Determine Where They Are Coming From

First thing first, find out where the mice are coming from. Mice require a 5mm gap for entry, so if a pencil can get through the gap, so the mice. Also, identifying the pest to ensure you are dealing with the house mouse is essential. Therefore, using a rodent identification tool can be helpful in this regard.

Seal Entry Points and Holes

Even if you haven’t a mouse infestation in your home, it’s better to take preventive measures. One effective way of pest prevention is to seal the holes with wire wool and cement.

Another long-lasting solution for mouse control is proofing. First, focus on low-level holes, as mice usually get through them. Consider sealing higher-up gaps if low-level holes are sealed and mice are still in your home.

Limit Access to harbourage

Mice make nests near food sources resulting in foul smell. Therefore, removing the nesting materials is essential to prevent mice infestation. Thus, remove overgrowth and wood piles or debris from your garden. Ensure your bins have tight lids and lack any holes in the base.

Remove Food Sources

Any human food, particularly grain-based products, is mice’s favorite. However, removing water and food sources doesn’t kill the infestation; your home will become less suitable for the mice.

Install Bristle Strips

If your external doors have a gap of 4mm, it’s best to install bristle strips to prevent mice entry through the door.

Use Traps

If you still have mice inside your home, use traps or poison to avoid population growth and to remove the infestation. That’s why placing break-back traps near the mice activity is better. Instead of using cheese as bait for mice, go for peanut butter, raisins, nutty chocolate, and other attractive foods. When placing traps, keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Take Help from Professionals

Lastly, it’s recommended to take help from a professional pest controller like Pest Control London to deal with the problem safely and effectively. Professionals have significant experience dealing with mice in homes and can help you clear mouse infestation. Besides, they will also give you advice and recommendations regarding preventing mice entry in the future.

These professionals use commercial-grade rodenticides to get rid of mice in your home. They ensure the baits are placed safely to avoid hurting children, pets, and non-target species.

Final Words

Mice can be annoying in homes and can spread diseases. You can get rid of mice at home by following the above 7-step guide. If you follow these steps, we assure you that mice won’t be a headache anymore. So, best of luck!