Don’t Make These Pest Control Mistakes

Don’t Make These Pest Control Mistakes

Your home is neither safe nor healthy if you are living with pests.  It doesn’t matter how clean your home is or where it is located there will come a time where you will find ants, roaches or some other kind of pest that decided they wanted to become your roommate.  Marketing for pest control professionals involves more than just Getting rid of  pests it is definitely a priority, pests bring diseases and can cause damage to your home.  Some pests are far easier than others to get rid of, but don’t make these pest control mistakes if you want to get rid of your infestation for good.

Don’t Buy Over the Counter Solutions

The first mistake that most homeowners make is trying to tackle the problem by themselves.  After finding mice, ants or some other type of pest your first instinct may be to head to the hardware store to find something that will kill them.  Most of the over the counter solutions will kill what’s in front of you but won’t eliminate the problem for good.  You can kill an ant or roach by spraying it, but it won’t do anything for the thousands of them living in the colony.  Get in touch with Cockroaches and ants reproduce at an alarming rate, you need to kill the larvae if you want to get rid of them for good.

Believing that You Got them All

Setting an ant trap or two may take care of the ants you can see, but there are more…there are always more.  Other pests like termites are notoriously hard to spot and you can have a huge colony living in your home without you realizing it.  Insects are constantly looking for a home that has plenty of food and water and just because you can’t see them anymore doesn’t mean they aren’t still there.  A good exterminator can find the nest and the infestation that you can’t see, that’s why you should call in the pros.  Here are some places that pests can hide.

Not Calling in an Exterminator

Your first stop shouldn’t be a hardware store but rather a phone call to an exterminator.  Even if you don’t end up using their services they are the best qualified to direct you on how to handle the problem and recommend a product that is effective.  Bear in mind that exterminators are licensed so make sure that whoever you call has the right credentials.  You want to make sure that you solve the problem once and for all!